Each buyback in this product will feature a player in the following ways:
Rookie Card | 1st Card w/ New Team | 1st Card from Specific Brand or Insert
ONLY the firsts will show up in this entire run!
- First Refractor
- First Silver
- First True Rookies
- First Autograph
- First Cards in New Uni
- First Card from New Brand
- First Rare Insert
- and More!
Find BuyBacks of:
Top Modern Rookies, the GOATs, Current Superstars, MVPs, and Hall of Famers!
Silvers, Refractors, Holos, 1/1's, RPAs, Golds, Patch Autos, BGS 9.5s, BGS 10s, PSA 10s, True RCs, Sticker Cards, and more.